The Disciples: Back On The Block

Juno Opening: Our First Filming Task

Today we were pitched a task which involved mirroring a trailer to a famous low budget film: Juno.

A tale told over four seasons, beginning in autumn when Juno a 16 year old high school junior, discovers she is pregnant after an event in a chair with her best friend, Bleeker.

We started filming with various local locations in mind. Using a storyboard to co-ordinate our shots after thoroughly studying the opening scene. (Storyboard can be seen below)

The storyboard details timings, scenery and props and allow us to accurately design various shots to a reasonable ability without having to constantly refer back and forth to the original opening.

As we begun filming, we quickly became aware of the difficulties one is faced with when conducting a scene. Obstacles like pedestrian traffic, background noise and the difficulty of remaining serious on camera.

Once all the scenes had been completed and retrieved, we were tasked with returning to Adobe Premier, the program we used to make our music videos and James Bond Sequence. Despite previously getting used to the advanced features which are included in the program, the task in hand occupied a far greater deal of thinking.

I started by lining the clips up with timings which linked to the original opening. This required alot of patience as much editing was needed to collate the clips. Once this was completed i added music along with transitions to emulate the moving actions of the opening. This without doubt was the most difficult part to co-ordinate due to the temperamental nature of the program, often freezing or not doing what i intended it to do. As i got to the final stages of the project, the opening scene seemingly started coming together. I finally added a small copy of the original opening and text to the copy to provide a professional finish. The final product can be seen below.

[Music: All I Want Is You - Barry Louis Polisar]